Our Documents

Research priorities for European mountain areas
Although mountain areas vary across Europe, at a pan-European level they face a number of environmental, social, economic and migratory challenges that affect not only the communities living in these areas but also the rich ...

Strategic research agenda: Mountains for Europe’s future
This strategic research agenda is the product of an enthusiastic year-long collaboration between researchers based in centres of excellence, across many different disciplines and European countries. Our primary goal is to highli ...

NEMOR DREAM – European Mountains Test-beds for Europe to face global changes
The world is experiencing significant social, economic, and environmental changes. Questions such as “What roles can mountains play to overcome the future problems/challenges of humanity?” or “Which answers can mountain research ...

This leaflet summarizes NEMOR’s main objectives and gives very basic information about the role that research in mountain can play to address the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).