Research Papers

Gugushvili T, Salukvadze G, Leonhäuser I U, Khartishvili L (2021)

Participatory policy review: “Supportive Tourism” concept for hand-in-hand rural and mountain development.

Annals of Agrarian Science 18(3):269-281.

Kučera P, Barančok P (2021)

Contribution to knowledge on the variability of arolla pine woodlands of the north-eastern Tatra mountains.

Contribuţii Botanice, vol. 56, p. 29-43.

Konôpka B, Šebeň V, Merganičová K (2021)

Forest regeneration patterns differ considerably between sites with and without windthrow wood logging in the High Tatra mountains.

Forests, vol. 12, art. no. 1 349.



Bošeľa M, Merganičová K, Torresan C, Cherubini P, Fabrika M, Heinze B, Hohn M, Kašanin-Grubin M, Klopčič M, Mészáros I, Pach M, Střelcová K, Temperli C, Tonon G, Pretzsch H, Tognetti R (2021)

Modelling future growth of mountain forests under changing environments. Climate-smart forestry in mountain regions.

CHam: Springer, p. 223-262.


Bürli S, Theurillat J.P, Winkler M, Lamprecht A, Pauli H, Rixen C, Steinbauer K, Wipf S, Abdaladze O, Andrews C, Barancok P, Benito-Alonso J.L, Calzado M.R F, Carranza M.L, Dick J, Erschbamer B, Ghosn D, Gigauri K, Kazakis G, Mallaun M, Michelsen O, Moiseev D, Moiseev P, Molau U, Molero Mesa J, Morra di Cella U, Nadeem I, Nagy L, Nicklas L, Palaj A, Pedersen B, Petey M, Puşcaş M, Rossi G, Stanisci A, Tomaselli M, Unterluggauer P, Ursu T-M, Villar L, Vittoz P. (2021)

A common soil temperature threshold for the upper limit of alpine grasslands in European mountains.

Alpine Botany.

Leoni V, Pedrali D, Zuccolo M, Rodari A, Giupponi L, Giorgi A (2021)

The importance of technical support in the return of traditional crops in the Alps: the case of rye in Camonica Valley.

Sustainability 2021, 13, 13818.



Sangiorgio S, Colombo F, Ghidoli M, Giupponi L, Ferro G, Ferro CG, Cassani E, Landoni M, Pilu R (2021)

The ancient varieties of mountain maize: the inheritance of the pointed character and its effect on the natural drying process.

Agronomy 2021, 11, 2295.



Leoni V, Giupponi L, Pavlovic R, Gianoncelli C, Cecati F, Ranzato E, Martinotti S, Pedrali D, Giorgi A, Panseri S (2021)

Multidisciplinary analysis of Italian Alpine wildflower honey reveals criticalities, diversity and value.

Scientific Reports 2021, 11, 19316.

Leoni V, Borgonovo G, Giupponi L, Bassoli A, Pedrali D, Zuccolo M, Rodari A, Giorgi A (2021)

Comparing Wild and Cultivated Arnica montana L. from the Italian Alps to Explore the Possibility of Sustainable Production Using Local Seeds.

Sustainability 2021, 13, 3382.


Fogliata P, Cislaghi A, Sala P, Giupponi L (2021)

An ecological analysis of the riparian vegetation for improving the riverine ecosystem management: the case of Lombardy region (North Italy).

Landscape and Ecological Engineering 2021, 17, 375-386.


Cattaneo C, Givonetti A, Leoni V, Guerrieri N, Manfredi M, Giorgi A, Cavaletto M (2021)

 Biochemical aspects of seeds from Cannabis sativa L. plants grown in a mountain environment.

Scientific Reports 2021, 11, 3927.


Giupponi L, Leoni V, Colombo F, Cassani E, Hejna M, Rossi L, Pilu R (2021)

Characterization of “Mais delle Fiorine” (Zea mays L.) and nutritional, morphometric and genetic comparison with other maize landraces of Lombardy.

Genet Resour Crop Evol 68, 2075–2091 (2021).




Dax T, Schroll K, Machold I, Derszniak-Noirjean M, Schuh B, Gaupp-Berghausen, M (2021)

Land Abandonment in Mountain Areas of the EU: An Inevitable Side Effect of Farming Modernization and Neglected Threat to Sustainable Land Use.

Land 10(6):591

Dax, T (2021)

Regional perspective of mountain policy, Lessons from implementation in Austria.

Goussios, D., Gaki, D., Garnier, A. and Lerin, F. (eds.) Mountain areas of large Mediterranean islands. European issues, National and Regional policies and local mechanisms. European Conference of Troodos-Cyprus, 28/31 January 2020. University of Thessaly Press, Volos, Greece, 38-41.

Dax, T (2021)

Expectations on the European reform discussion for future mountain policies.

In: Goussios, D., Gaki, D., Garnier, A. and Lerin, F. (eds.) Mountain areas of large Mediterranean islands. European issues, National and Regional policies and local mechanisms. European Conference of Troodos-Cyprus, 28/31 January 2020. University of Thessaly Press, Volos, Greece, 101-105

Keresztesi Á, Nita I.A, Birsan M.V, Bodor Zs, Szép R, (2020) 

The risk of cross-border pollution and the influence of regional climate on the rainwater chemistry in the Southern Carpathians, Romania.

Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Volume 27, pages 9382–9402.


Hrabovský A, Dlapa P, Cerdá A, Kollár J (2020)

The impacts of vineyard afforestation on soil properties, water repellency and near-saturated infiltration in the Little Carpathians Mountains.

Water, vol. 12, iss. 9, article no. 2 550.

Vegas-Cañas C J. F., González-Rouco J, Navarro-Montesinos E, García-Bustamante E. E, Lucio-Eceiza F, García-Pereira E, Rodríguez-Camino A, Chazarra-Bernabé I, Alvarez-Arévalo (2020)

An Assessment of Observed and Simulated Temperature Variability in the Sierra de Guadarrama.

Atmosphere, 11, 985.


Futschik A, Winkler M, Steinbauer K, Lamprecht A, Rumpf S. B, Barancok P, Palaj A, Gottfried M, Pauli H (2020)

Disentangling observer error and climate change effects in long-term monitoring of alpine plant species composition and cover.

Journal of Vegetation Science, 31(1), 14-25.

Kati V, Kassara Ch, Vassilakis D, Papaioannou H (2020)

Balkan Chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra balcanica) avoids roads, settlements, and hunting grounds: An ecological overview from Timfi mountain, Greece.

Diversity 2020, 12 (4), pp 124.